



From 03/04/2024 to 04/02/2024


05:51 PM Bug #37308 (Ready For Testing): Fix apache config so REMOTE_USER is not unset for pulpcore registry
The Foreman Bot
04:54 PM Bug #37308 (Closed): Fix apache config so REMOTE_USER is not unset for pulpcore registry
Any calls to /pulpcore_registry/v2/ lose REMOTE_USER in the headers. This header is necessary to authenticate with Pu... Ian Ballou
05:00 PM Bug #37306 (Closed): Puppet server ciphers updated in 2.0 but old ciphers can remain in answers
Applied in changeset commit:installer|0764f7e886fa5650b8e2c46e25e9f754e8c11311. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
01:10 PM Bug #37306 (Ready For Testing): Puppet server ciphers updated in 2.0 but old ciphers can remain in answers
The Foreman Bot
12:42 PM Bug #37306 (Closed): Puppet server ciphers updated in 2.0 but old ciphers can remain in answers
In foreman-installer 2.0 we updated the ciphers for puppetserver, but didn't introduce a migration to update existing... Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


03:00 PM Refactor #37298 (Closed): Drop setup plugin
Applied in changeset commit:installer|e4338f1d7ea939fd09e25be49c9767a1178d0665. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
12:16 PM Refactor #37298 (Ready For Testing): Drop setup plugin
The Foreman Bot
12:10 PM Refactor #37298 (Closed): Drop setup plugin
Per this plugin is unmaintained and largely broken. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


05:02 PM Feature #37297 (Ready For Testing): Default PostgreSQL password encryption to SCRAM
The Foreman Bot
04:58 PM Feature #37297 (Closed): Default PostgreSQL password encryption to SCRAM
PostgreSQL supports SCRAM encryption and PostgreSQL 14 will also default to this. Moving to it sooner helps removing ... Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
04:31 PM Refactor #37296 (Ready For Testing): Retire foreman-hooks from installer
The Foreman Bot
04:30 PM Refactor #37296 (Closed): Retire foreman-hooks from installer
Adam Ruzicka
09:40 AM Bug #37029: YAML scenario - server_ssl_chain is ignored
Meanwhile I switched to Foreman 3.9, the installer does not have this issue (or I wasn't able to reproduce it), feel ... Francesco Di Nucci


06:00 PM Bug #37291 (Closed): Ensure correct Java is used with Puppetserver 8
Applied in changeset commit:puppet-puppet|b6088261c08ddfa8d3426ba01c6b35a3d1b1d3a2. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
11:39 AM Bug #37291 (Ready For Testing): Ensure correct Java is used with Puppetserver 8
The Foreman Bot
11:32 AM Bug #37291 (Closed): Ensure correct Java is used with Puppetserver 8
The packaging of puppetserver doesn't ensure properly that it uses the correct JRE because it uses /usr/bin/java whic... Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


02:23 PM Feature #37261 (Ready For Testing): Add gitlab CI config
The Foreman Bot
10:53 AM Feature #37261 (Closed): Add gitlab CI config
For downstream projects using gitlab dosas please_edit_me
09:42 AM Bug #37260 (New): Have to run foreman-installer twice. First install fail due to pki-core module not enabled.
First time I run @foreman-installer --scenario katello@. I get this error:... Rune Philosof
09:28 AM Bug #34130: Puppetserver runs under Java 8 instead of Java 11 in Katello scenario
It is no longer @tomcatjss@, but the result is still the same. @pki-servlet-engine@ requires @java-1.8.0@.... Rune Philosof


01:39 PM Feature #37253 (Duplicate): katello-certs-check and foreman-installer --scenario katello should support not using chain
`katello-certs-check` and `foreman-installer --scenario katello` should support not using chain certificate file.
Rune Philosof
11:25 AM Bug #29279: Drop use of SSLCertificateChainFile and combine CA certs
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote in #note-1:
> That's not how we use it. We use SSLCertificateChainFile as the CA th...
Rune Philosof
10:55 AM Bug #37029: YAML scenario - server_ssl_chain is ignored
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote in #note-2:
> > I'm installing Foreman 3.8.0 on AlmaLinux 8.9, using a custom scena...
Rune Philosof


02:55 PM Bug #37029: YAML scenario - server_ssl_chain is ignored
> I'm installing Foreman 3.8.0 on AlmaLinux 8.9, using a custom scenario YAML. I'm setting up SSL/TLS, so amongst oth... Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
01:00 PM Feature #37177 (Closed): Upgrade to PostgreSQL 13 on EL8
Applied in changeset commit:installer|3f846ff16a586032fb457f64d392e19cddcac1d9. Evgeni Golov


01:15 PM Bug #33643 (Rejected): Skipping checks no longer working because of tuning profile
Evgeni Golov
10:04 AM Bug #37219 (Rejected): foreman-installer fails with puppet error on unknown literal $slowlog_log_slower_than
Evgeni Golov
10:04 AM Bug #37219: foreman-installer fails with puppet error on unknown literal $slowlog_log_slower_than
That's a Puppet bug as discussed in Evgeni Golov


08:17 AM Bug #37219 (Rejected): foreman-installer fails with puppet error on unknown literal $slowlog_log_slower_than
Background: sos tool runs CI jobs also on CentOS8 with foreman where we recently spotted constant failures in the tes... Pavel Moravec

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