


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
df6fa10a 05/09/2024 05:08 AM Evgeni Golov

archive puppet lock

if not cancelled as recommended in GitHub documentation

6b40ca7c 05/08/2024 01:36 PM Evgeni Golov

add GHA based tests

211f7c9b 05/08/2024 12:56 PM Evgeni Golov

explicitly install racc on Ruby 3.3+

7f1b3577 05/08/2024 09:27 AM dosas please_edit_me

Fixes #37392 - Exclude vendor dir in .rubocop.yaml

bce6e291 05/06/2024 11:43 AM Evgeni Golov

Ensure the system encoding is UTF-8

Checking for C is not sufficient, it could also be ISO-8859 or something

By checking Enconding.locale_charmap we can check one place and have one
way to spell "UTF-8". ENV['LANG'] and ENV['LC_*'] support a variety of...

e6e1ea70 05/02/2024 01:27 AM Eric Helms

Also add semverse to test group

5a6e880d 05/01/2024 11:34 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Support a maximum version in pin_modules rake task

24a81c70 05/01/2024 11:34 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Factor out FakePuppetfile so it can be tested in rspec

753dc847 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix RSpec/ContextWording cop

335d09c5 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Performance/Casecmp cop

1f73dfda 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/FileWrite

d3222e5c 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/ConcatArrayLiterals

02c019b4 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/RedundantConstantBase

0838be46 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation

482f3b4d 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/LineContinuationLeadingSpace

8ebdc7de 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/IndentationConsistency

ea1afb2f 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment & Layout/BeginEndAlignment

e811ad11 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/IndentationWidth

4506d734 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/GlobalStdStream

72990cc1 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Layout/EndAlignment

392a74c1 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/StringConcatenation

39d6a35f 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Fix Rubocop Style/SoleNestedConditional

97bc678a 04/29/2024 12:47 PM Archana Kumari

Update Rubocop version & fix offenses

d83807b2 04/17/2024 12:58 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #37297 - Use SCRAM passwd encryption with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports SCRAM encryption and PostgreSQL 14 will also default
to this. Moving to it sooner helps removing md5 from the system.

abc2aafa 04/09/2024 02:04 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #37296 - Drop foreman-hooks

a500834d 04/09/2024 08:52 AM dosas please_edit_me

Fixes #37261 - Add gitlab ci configuration

931b6fcd 04/03/2024 05:27 PM Joniel Pasqualetto

Fixes #37063 - Add feature in katello-certs-check to verify if CA bundle has any certificates with trust rules

- Add feature to verify if provided CA bundle has certificates with trust rules
- Add test case for the new feature
- Fix indentation on function check-ca-bundle-size
0764f7e8 03/28/2024 04:55 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #37306 - Reset Puppetserver ciphers if needed

In foreman-installer 2.0 we updated1 the ciphers for puppetserver, but
didn't introduce a migration to update existing installations. Users
from very old installs will still use the insecure ciphers. This breaks...

9d9f48f2 03/27/2024 06:03 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #37298 - Add migrations to drop setup plugin

Fixes: e4338f1d7ea9 ("Fixes #37298 - Drop foreman_setup plugin")

e4338f1d 03/26/2024 02:55 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #37298 - Drop foreman_setup plugin

This plugin is unmaintained and largely broken.

f7249849 03/23/2024 12:43 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #37291 - Only reset puppetserver's JVM if it's /usr/bin/java

The intent was to only reset it if it was the default value, not just
any value.

Fixes: 19310592c8d7f16b2c59f0995463e7ae913e01ef ("Refs #37291 - Reset Puppet's java_bin")

19310592 03/22/2024 06:42 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #37291 - Reset Puppet's java_bin

In theforeman/puppet 19.2.0 the puppet::server_jvm_java_bin parameter
was changed to undef and determined at runtime. This helps with Puppet 8

b0efdf56 03/20/2024 11:44 PM Eric Helms

Remove smart_proxy_dynflow_core.service

5d15b807 03/20/2024 11:44 PM Eric Helms

Drop inclusion of Qpid module

1402c4b7 03/20/2024 07:38 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Check if /opt/puppetlabs is mounted noexec

It was reported1 that facter can't be found if puppet is installed on
a filesystem that's mounted noexec.


0425650f 03/18/2024 09:21 AM Evgeni Golov

Allow puppetlabs/apache 12.x

We need 12.0.3+ for Puppet 8 support due to

3f846ff1 03/11/2024 12:21 PM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #37177 - Upgrade PostgreSQL to 13 on EL8

72c15264 02/20/2024 06:25 PM Griffin Sullivan

Bump develop to 3.11.0-develop

4d261188 02/16/2024 11:26 AM Evgeni Golov

build packit for el9

6fe95b33 01/25/2024 01:46 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #37097 - Use .tar.gz file extension for tarballs

This aligns with the actual content, which is a gzipped tarball.

de526bc2 01/11/2024 12:28 PM Evgeni Golov

pin puppetlabs/apache to < 12 until our modules support it

ac2ebb6d 12/18/2023 03:29 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Build packit on rhel-8

This is consistent with how we eventually build it. It also switches yum
over to use HTTPS.

66c84d22 12/15/2023 02:21 PM Eric Helms

Refs #36843: Pass array to capture2e as arguments

94ebfcd3 12/15/2023 02:01 PM Evgeni Golov

fix packit to use prod nightly

73aba373 11/29/2023 01:43 PM Griffin Sullivan

Bump develop to 3.10.0-develop

73df3c20 11/28/2023 03:44 PM Shimon Shtein

Add hammer foreman_rh_cloud package

e0bf1548 11/14/2023 09:57 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Ensure Puppet 8 support

7675314c 11/14/2023 09:57 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Allow puppetlabs/postgresql 10.x

8f47892c 11/14/2023 12:17 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fail early if cert files don't exist

While it usually doesn't happen, this showed up in my manual testing and
the output is confusing.

e1f37f7f 11/14/2023 12:17 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Redirect errors from tput to /dev/null

In minimal environments tput may not be present or work. In that case it
falls back to not having colors, which is fine. The user doesn't need to
be warned about this.

2a11ccbb 11/14/2023 12:17 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36843 - run katello-certs-check in fp-certs-generate

ace7dc47 11/14/2023 11:50 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Update to stdlib 9.x

This also requires kafo 7.3 to parse multi line type aliases.

8b7b58df 10/20/2023 11:01 AM Eric Helms

Refs #36801: Set Redis as the default cache on upgrade

08ee2b88 10/19/2023 11:57 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Raise minimum Puppet version to 7.9.0

puppetlabs/apache requires at least 7.9.0, not 7.0.0.

b324bda1 10/19/2023 11:57 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Pin puppetlabs/postgresql to < 10

Due to puppetlabs/stdlib 9.x requirement.

ee24dcce 10/16/2023 01:28 PM Evgeni Golov

Update manpage to reflect --reset-data option

Fixes: 7ca7d88d42ec5a340c3af256096fdede35a3ebe9

a45ac09d 10/05/2023 01:51 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #36760 - Reset candlepin key- and truststore

This takes a 2 step approach where the cached password is removed during
migration (which ends up running during the RPM installation). The
installer then handles replacing the stores when it really runs.

4462c6d4 09/27/2023 03:11 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36784 - Drop MaxRequestsPerChild tuning

Since puppetlabs-apache 9.0.0 this tuning does nothing, since the
parameter was dropped. For older versions it may also trigger and the default
tuning doesn't set it, so is likely unaffected.

0d2fb671 09/26/2023 12:44 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36694 - Show failed resources on installation

Kafo 7.1.0 has started to capture Puppet reports and in 7.2.0 it was
extended for better messages. This allows showing the failed resources
which makes it easier to troubleshoot failures. Ideally speaking the...

889b267b 09/12/2023 11:10 AM William Clark

Remove qpid tunings from tuning profiles

390f51fc 09/12/2023 11:10 AM William Clark

Remove unused key enable_katello_agent from foreman.hiera/common.yaml

katello-agent was deprecated before, now it is removed altogether

31782b64 08/31/2023 03:04 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Make specs RuboCop clean

38992bc9 08/25/2023 03:09 PM Griffin Sullivan

Bump develop to 3.9.0-develop

1e1e08f1 08/24/2023 03:56 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fix apache::trace_enable example

In puppetlabs-apache 10.0 the trace_enable became stricter and only
accepts certain strings. YAML converts Off to a boolean, which breaks.
By quoting it we still have a valid example.

3758d8a1 08/22/2023 09:59 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36311 - expose apache::mod::status in the installer

0a0645e1 08/09/2023 09:03 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #35943 - Switch to puppetlabs/vcsrepo

Our theforeman/puppet module has switch from our own custom module to
the generic puppetlabs/vcsrepo. This saves maintenance on our side and
for users it provides more functionality. In large environments it's
already common and allows reuse.

0b02e1f4 08/08/2023 12:55 PM Trey Dockendorf

Fixes #36620 - Puppet module replace whitelist with allowlist

943b4d6c 08/07/2023 12:30 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #36573 - Drop puppet::server_foreman_url value if redundant

theforeman/puppetserver_foreman has started to default to copying the
value from foreman_proxy::foreman_base_url when unspecified.
theforeman/puppet has removed its default. This completes it by removing...

91013464 08/06/2023 11:58 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Add a rake modules task

This is a small wrapper around librarian-puppet so you don't have to do
the complete build. If you don't need the parser cache, this is a lot

3e4b5728 07/11/2023 01:09 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Use a shared context to do migration testing

By using a shared context we can easily write more migration test
without repeating the same context over and over again.

825ac847 07/04/2023 01:28 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36567 - Make katello-certs-check failures fatal

Prior to 688d0a7dc08fc78407ed84466f3b0861c3cbfc2f the execute! method
was used, which caused the installer to exit if katello-certs-check
failed. That commit changed it to only output the error on failure, but...

073859d4 06/19/2023 11:05 AM Maximilian Kolb

Fixes #36319 - Add Promxox support

cc862059 06/19/2023 10:41 AM Evgeni Golov

also pin puppetlabs/apt, 9.1.0 wants stdlib 9

b05b4f38 06/19/2023 10:41 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Pin puppetlabs/stdlib to version < 9

22f6fc6f 05/24/2023 01:19 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Allow puppetlabs-apache 9.x

2fbc6ebf 05/23/2023 05:42 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Pin Puppet module versions to ~> x.y.z

This is essentially the same as wel already did, but it's much easier to
change if you need to bump a .y version. Instead of two places, it's now
just two. It also simplifies the code to do the pinning.

a17cf7a0 05/23/2023 05:42 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Visually align module versions in Puppetfile

This makes the diff when pinning smaller.

20c9f3ad 05/23/2023 03:00 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Bump develop to 3.8.0-develop

c6422b45 05/10/2023 04:32 PM Dirk Götz

Fixes #36377 - Sunsetting foreman_column_view because functionality being integrated in Foreman itself

f0b71da3 05/05/2023 06:01 PM Evgeni Golov

allow kafo 7.x

cbff0da5 05/04/2023 10:07 AM Evgeni Golov

correct upstream tag template in packit config

0c996457 05/03/2023 01:54 PM Evgeni Golov

add packit config

fe392fdf 05/03/2023 01:50 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36345 - Drop Puppet 6 support

Puppet 6 is end of life and more and more modules are dropping support.
Rather than pinning modules this takes the approach of dropping Puppet

bb67be51 03/28/2023 02:55 PM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36238 - drop all data owned by the DB user, not only tables

The old logic (introduced all the way back in [1]) took a list of all
tables and executed a `DROP … CASCADE` on them. While this is sufficient
for tables and the associated sequences, triggers etc [2][3], it will...

416f4521 03/21/2023 01:52 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Ensure Ansible callback from the Ansible collection is used

This is only applied to the Foreman scenario because the parameter
always Red Hat always defaulted to the collection parameter since it was
introduced. It's mostly for Debian, but should be safe for RH too so no...

9749bd2a 03/21/2023 09:55 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36211 - Add PowerDNS and Route53 plugins to scenarios

These plugins have long been packaged, but the Foreman Proxy module has
started to include the correct provided if needed1. This means users
now need to be able to configure the parameters, where they could...

24d1bf18 03/21/2023 09:54 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Correct the minimum Puppet version bound

Modules we include have raised the minimum version to 6.24.0, which
introduced the ability to specify the exec command as an array.

bb767c98 03/07/2023 08:12 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36170 - drop memcache plugin support

it's broken since Foreman 3.4 and nobody is fixing it

3757e220 02/22/2023 07:47 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Bump develop to 3.7.0-develop

dad33203 02/20/2023 08:42 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35985 - Use Katello integration in theforeman/puppet

504f7d72 02/15/2023 11:09 AM Eric Helms

Refs #35925: Add SSH keepalive for Ansible

e3212a7f 12/16/2022 04:22 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Pin puppetlabs/apache to ~> 8.3

This should prevent attempting to pull in version 9.x. There are several
breaking changes, but they largely don't affect us. Once all modules are
updated, this pin can be relaxed again.

b4a9773d 12/12/2022 07:14 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35800 - Add foreman_kernel_care plugin support

This is a Foreman plugin that depends on Katello, which is why it's only
added to the katello scenario.

5dcd8c9f 11/08/2022 11:55 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Bump develop to 3.5.0-develop

21425ce6 11/04/2022 03:58 PM Leos Stejskal

Update 20220406141823_foreman_google.rb

62ea912b 11/04/2022 03:58 PM Leos Stejskal

Update katello-answers-before.yaml

b3775cab 11/04/2022 03:58 PM Leos Stejskal

Update katello-answers-before.yaml

f9750508 11/04/2022 03:58 PM Leos Stejskal

Update config/foreman.migrations/20220406150414_foreman_google.rb

Co-authored-by: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden <>

d9b1a961 11/04/2022 03:58 PM Leos Stejskal

Fixes #35677 - Add ForemanGoogle plugin

000c323c 11/03/2022 10:44 AM Evgeni Golov

drop chef plugin